• The appointment of councilors and the appointment of local government boards and spokespersons, mayoralties and political groups mark the beginning of the mandate.

After the last local elections on May 26, Redován yesterday held the plenary session of its City Council. The first was chaired by the mayor of the town, Nely Ruiz. In the session the functioning and organization for the next four years of mandate was established, with the appointment of positions and responsibilities of the new Corporation.

The delegated powers for the councilors of the government team are those already announced by the mayor. Nely Ruiz has delegated to Adrián Ballester the councils of the Presidency, Treasury, Citizen Security, Emergencies, Transparency and Citizen Participation. Ballester will also perform the tasks of spokesperson for the municipal government. Marisol Ibáñez, meanwhile, will be in charge of the areas of Education, Equality, Social Welfare, Third Age and Health. Ramón López will be in charge of the councils of Environment, Sports, Traffic, Municipal Services, Water, Infrastructure and Parks and Gardens. The mayor Maite Martinez will be responsible for the areas of Employment, Training, Trade and Markets, while José Nájar will be responsible for the departments of Urban Planning, Human Resources, Legal Services and Contracting. Finally, the areas of Culture, Youth and Tourism will be in charge of Clara Ezcurra.

The mayor will exercise the rest of the competitions, such as the coordination of Festivities. In addition, assigned to the Mayor’s Office, a work post was approved for temporary personnel in which secretarial work and support to the department will be exercised, with a gross remuneration of 1,200 euros per month.

The first mayor also proceeded to the designation of mayoral tenures, with the first in Adrián Ballester. José Nájar will be second deputy mayor, followed by Maite Martínez and Clara Ezcurra, who will hold the third and fourth mayoral positions, respectively. As for the Local Government Board, it will be made up of the councilors Adrián Ballester, José Najar, Clara Ezcurra and Maite Martínez, and will meet on Fridays.

In this Plenary the appointment of representatives of the government team in the supramunicipal bodies to which the City Council of Redován belongs was carried out. The mayor will be the main representative in most of them, designating their substitutes according to the area to which they belong. Thus, Marisol Ibáñez will be in the school councils of the Sacred Hearts CEIP and the IES Jaime Sant-Àngel, as well as in the Municipal School Council, in addition to the La Vega Social Services Association. On the other hand, Maite Martínez will be the second representative in the Regional Consortium for the Economic Development of Vega Baja (CONVEGA); Adrián Ballester in the Consortium of Firemen of Alicante, and Ramón López in the Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla. The Wastewater Treatment Plant Association of the Left Bank of Segura will have Ramón López and Clara Ezcurra. Adrián Ballester and Ramón López will be the representatives in the Consortium for the Execution of Forecasts of the Zonal Waste Plan of the Vega Baja.

In the same way, the political groups for the mandate were also established. The Popular Group, will have the 7 councilors in the government team. José Najar will work as a spokesperson and Marisol Ibáñez will be the substitute spokesperson. The Municipal Group of the Socialist Party will be composed of Silvia Fonseca (spokesperson), Antonio Marco (alternate spokesperson), Esther González and Manuel Carrillo. Víctor Ros, from Unidas Podemos Redován, and Sonia Carrillo, from Ciudadanos, will be the representatives of the rest of the municipal groups from Redova.

The government team will have a partial dedication of 75%, with what the remuneration of three of the councilors of the City Council of Redován will be 1,300 gross euros per month (18,200 euros per year). The mayors who will receive retribution will be Marisol Ibáñez, Clara Ezcurra and Ramón López. For its part, the compensation of the mayor, Nely Ruiz, will be 1,700 gross euros per month, reaching 23,800 gross euros per year. The economic compensation of the mayors who attend the Ordinary Plenary will be 200 euros and 280 euros for the Local Government Boards. The informative commissions will have a retribution of 90 euros, as well as the Board of Spokespersons.

The plenary sessions of the Corporation will be held as a general rule every two months, at eight in the afternoon each last Thursday of the month corresponding to the first call and 48 hours after the second. The months of July the Plenary will take place on Thursday of the third week and in September, it will take place on the first Thursday of the month of October to avoid its coincidence with the local festivities.

The mayor of the town has expressed his satisfaction for having the entire organization “ready to get to work with all our strength to improve Redován.” Nely Ruiz has encouraged both the councilors of the government team and the opposition “to carry out their work in the most responsible way and always seeking the benefit of all our neighbors.”