Greetings of The Mayor

Since taking office as mayor of the Redovan City Council in June 2011, Redován has decided decisively on the new technologies and during this period of time we have competed so that our municipal administration, the administration of all the neighbors of Redován , Was one of the most modern in our province.
We decided to incorporate the electronic records, the electronic headquarters, the self-assessments via the internet, turning this into an open administration to the citizen for twenty-four hours, three hundred and sixty-five days of the year.
This, being important was not enough, so we bet on the citizen’s mailbox, a key tool for personal communication with the municipality; But it was still not enough, which led us to create a Facebook page that is characterized by its power to disseminate the news that affect us, the possibilities of employment, the existing scholarships, the subsidies that our companies can access And, above all, to be able to respond, practically in real time, to the questions that citizens ask us daily.
But it is still not enough, so we are still betting for greater transparency through digital media and before this we have decided to transport to our website the transparency portal that will come into effect on December 15, preparing its implementation in our municipality and Which will allow us to know not only the activities of each of the councilors of our municipality but also the actions that are being carried out since the consistory, both in the most important issues and in those affecting our daily lives: minor contracts, Contracting tables, local government boards, plenary agreements, regular and extraordinary plenary sessions ….
In short, a tool that makes it possible for citizens to know and know that with a simple click they will be getting to know the daily activity of their city council and their elected representatives.
A cordial greeting,
Emilio Manuel Fernández Escudero. Mayor of Redován