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Redován. Alicante town to town.

Redován is located at the foot of the mountain of Callosa, in a valley irrigated by the river Segura and surrounded by rich and varied orchards that give color and flavor to this municipality of the Vega Baja.

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News in Redován

A new weather station includes Redován in the regional network launched by MeteOrihuela

A new weather station includes Redován in the regional network launched by MeteOrihuela

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz Peral, and the councilor for Public Safety, Marisol Ibáñez Mazón, signed an agreement today with meteorologist and geographer ...
Redován presents the activities for its month of patron saint festivities in honour of the Virgen de la Salud and San Miguel

Redován presents the activities for its month of patron saint festivities in honour of the Virgen de la Salud and San Miguel

Everything is ready in Redován to kick off the patron saint festivities in honour of the Virgen de la Salud and San Miguel. A ...
Redován applies the recommendations of the Audit Office to improve internal municipal management processes.

Redován applies the recommendations of the Audit Office to improve internal municipal management processes.

The spokesman for the Redován Town Council government team and councillor for Finance, José Nájar, appeared today to give an account of the report ...
The councillor for Urban Planning, Water and Infrastructures, David Ballesta, will leave his post for professional reasons at the July plenary session.

The councillor for Urban Planning, Water and Infrastructures, David Ballesta, will leave his post for professional reasons at the July plenary session.

The councillor for Town Planning, Water and Infrastructures of the Redován Town Council, David Ballesta Cartagena, has announced this morning his resignation as councillor ...
New cultural exchange between Redován and the sister town of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc

New cultural exchange between Redován and the sister town of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc

The Twinning Committee of Redován with the French municipality of Saint Aubin de Mèdoc has carried out a new cultural exchange with a visit ...
Redován Town Council encourages people to participate in 'The Recycling Challenge' and help El Árbol de los Sueños

Redován Town Council encourages people to participate in ‘The Recycling Challenge’ and help El Árbol de los Sueños

Redován is celebrating World Recycling Day today with an action aimed at increasing the selective collection of light packaging, i.e. all those that should ...
The Redován Town Hall is finalising the procedures to start the construction of the new medical centre.

The Redován Town Hall is finalising the procedures to start the construction of the new medical centre.

Redován Town Council is finalising the procedures to make the plot of land available to the Regional Ministry of Health for the construction of ...
Redován Town Council prioritises in the 2024 budget the safety of the municipality and the promotion of culture, tourism and trade.

Redován Town Council prioritises in the 2024 budget the safety of the municipality and the promotion of culture, tourism and trade.

Redován Town Council will take the Municipal Budget for the year 2024 to the Plenary this Thursday. The document presented today at a press ...

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Vídeos of interest

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Hostal San Carlos

Parroquia de San Miguel Arcángel

Casa de Cultura

Restaurante Stax

Centro deportivo Redosport

Buzón Ciudadano
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