• The amount of travel grants to university classrooms is established based on the distance traveled and the family income

The Local Government Board of the City Council of Redován has approved two calls that have been reported today by the mayor of the town, Emilio Fernández, and the councilors of Education and Culture, Nely Ruiz and Clara Ezcurra respectively. This is the basis for the granting of aid to university transport, scholarships that the Consistorio redovanense granted to university students in the town who have to travel more than four kilometers from the municipality to attend class and in this call they cover expenses corresponding to the 2018-2019 academic year. On the other hand, a new edition of the ‘Villa de Redován’ Micorrelato Contest is also given the green light, and the deadline is extended, until Wednesday 17 April, for the registration of corals to the Sacred Music Contest.

The mayor of Education has accounted for transport aid, with an endowment of 7,000 euros in total in the 2019 budget. Ruiz stressed that “the amount will be determined depending on the distance students have to save to go to the university and family income, in addition to complying with the rest of the parameters established by the rules “. The councilor added that with this call “we want to give that push, sometimes necessary, to our young people so that they choose to study a university career and that the displacement to the classrooms is not an excuse for not undertaking it”.

The bases will be available from tomorrow, Friday, April 12, on the bulletin board of the Redován City Council website through the Electronic Headquarters (https://redovan.sedelectronica.es/info.0), and the applications will be You can present from tomorrow until May 10, both inclusive.

With regard to the requirements for granting the subsidy, the applicant and their legal guardians or parents are registered in Redován at least two years prior to the application; that the applicant is under 29 years of age and attends university courses during the course for which they must travel; that he / she does not have another university degree other than the one he / she is studying and that he / she does not receive other aid for the transport of any public or private organization. As for the family income per person, it can not exceed 11,000 euros, amount that will be obtained by dividing the family income (income of 2017 Income) among the members of the family unit.

Microrrelatos contest

Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, meanwhile, has announced the foundations of the sixth edition of the Micro-Story Contest, “an activity that has always had an important impact on our municipality and among writers and writers of localities throughout Spain that decide to participate every year “. The bases establish that the texts can be of free theme and the only limitation is its extension: 150 words (without counting the title). Per person can send a maximum of three works written all in Spanish, original and unpublished.

All the documentation required by the bases that can be consulted from tomorrow, April 12, on the website of the City Council, and the deadline for submission of works extends until May 10, 2019. As for the forms of presentation are those established in the Law of Common Administrative Procedure, although Clara Ezcurra has pointed out that the electronic record of micro-stories can be made through the Electronic Headquarters of the City Council, while in case of sending by postal mail must be sent to the City Council of Redován, Town Hall Square 1, 03370, Redován (Alicante), with all the documentation established in the bases.

As usual, the jury will proceed to select 25 works and determine the winner of the first prize, endowed with 300 euros, and a second prize of 150 euros. Those responsible for this decision will be Antonio Moreno Menchón, director of IES Redován; Vicente Pina López, owner of the Codex Bookshop in Orihuela and the Councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra.

Choral Contest of Sacred Music

Finally, the mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández, announced the extension of the registration period of corals for the VIII Coral Music Contest ‘Villa de Redován’. The mayor has encouraged the corals of the area “and outside our region to take part in our contest to ensure its continuity,” and has indicated that the interested formations can formalize their registration until next April 17.