Today, the Plenary Hall of the Redován City Council hosted a meeting of the Local Security Board in which various topics were discussed, among which the presence of the Civil Guard in the municipalities of the area stands out. Specifically, the City Council of Cordoba calls for a greater deployment of troops in the municipality, since the Callosa de Segura command, on which the municipality of Redován depends, has a degree of agent coverage of 77%.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary General of the Government Subdelegation in Alicante, as well as the Civil Guard, the National Police, the Police of the Generalitat Valenciana and the Local Police of Redován. The board has been chaired by the mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz and has been accompanied by the councilors for Citizen Security and Urbanism, Adrián Ballester and José Nájar, respectively.

The mayor of Citizen Security, Adrián Ballester, recalled that the Plenum of the City Council “has already asked the government subdelegation in Alicante and the Ministry of the Interior to provide more of the Civil Guard agents to the Callosa Security command.” A petition that according to the mayor “is a claim that we are clear is very necessary since the municipalities that depend on this command have grown a lot over the years, and we need more agents to improve the quality of life for our citizens ”.

The Local Security Board has also dealt with police actions in the area of ​​foreigners, drugs, the environment and gender violence, in which the Mayor of Redován has thanked the work carried out by the State Security Forces and Bodies. “Our objective is clear, we want better services and greater security for the neighbors. Our agents do a commendable job and, for this reason, I want to thank them for their work and vocation for public service ”, assured the Mayor, Nely Ruiz.