Redován 5/6/2017. The start-up of the restoration of the Parochial Church dedicated to San Miguel in Redován, one of the most singular buildings of the town raised in the early eighteenth century, is closer. The Plenary of the Corporation approved last Monday the agreement to subscribe with the Provincial Government of Alicante through which the provincial body will subsidize with up to 90,000 euros the project presented, which amounts to a total amount of 109,517.32.

This means that 82.1% of the budget will be borne by the provincial coffers, while the City Council must assume the rest and the parish will cover the entire project, “which is around 150,000,” says pastor Eloy Martin. The agreement that has been received includes the costs of the project as well as the direction of the work. The money from the Provincial Council will arrive as the works carried out are justified and based on the terms established in the agreement.

The temple has been with the years for a series of improvements and various maintenance works. During the last years since the Consistory, small grants have been granted to assume the cost of urgent works, but now it is intended to carry out a thorough action that ends the problems with the cornices and humidity that threaten the building. Martín reports that the last time he took part in the church of San Miguel “was during the 80s of the last century,” and points out that the parish will also assume part of the cost of the intervention. The priest indicates that he will act on the entire facade to solve the landslides of the exterior shelves. In the interior the sockets will be changed to prevent moisture problems and the whole church will be painted.

The works will begin during the summer and will oblige to close the building “at least for six months,” calculates the priest, who adds that during that time will have to move the cult to another space. The intention is that the works culminate at the end of the month of February, so the proceedings have been launched to tender this action urgently.