Redován 4/4/2018. The City Council of Redován has welcomed this morning the presentation of the seventh edition of the Classic Meeting of Classic Bicycles ‘Villa de Redován’ that the Consistorio redovanense organizes together with the Association of Classical and Historical Vehicles La Carbonilla. The mayor of Redován, Emilio Fernández and the councilor for Culture, Clara Ezcurra, along with the president of La Carbonilla, Miguel Terol, were in charge of detailing how this activity will be developed, which has already become a classic and will take place on April 22 with departure at the Plaza Miguel Hernández at nine in the morning.

Emilio Fernandez has explained the itinerary “that will depart from the Plaza Miguel Hernández and will go to the districts of La Campaneta and Molins in Orihuela through traditional paths of the orchard to return to Redován”. Participants will visit the Soto del Segura de Molins “where lunch will be held, and we will also have tasting of typical foods”, said the councilor. The Regional Meeting of Classic Bicycles ‘Villa de Redován’ will have the participation of the associations Las Galgas de Yecla, the Huertana del Bajo Segura de Almoradí and Los Cuadrillicos de Santomera, “so we think that it will be a real success and also we will have the possibility of teaching, to those who come from outside, our town and its surroundings, “he concluded.

For its part, the president of La Carbonilla, Miguel Terol, recalled that to participate “it is necessary to do it with clothes and period elements”, so he has encouraged those who want to make the journey to prepare their old bikes “to enjoy in a morning that will be very pleasant walking through the traditional roads of our garden “. The recommended attire to dress in this act is the typical clothes huertana, trousers or skirt of tweezers, shorts, shirt or vest, among other items that we can have stored in our cabinets. Both Emilio Fernández and Miguel Terol have ensured that this meeting has more followers every year and have encouraged those who have not yet participated to do so on this occasion.