The General Director of the Valencian Institute for Women and for Gender Equality, María Such has visited the headquarters of the La Vega Commonwealth together with the Mayor of Redován and President of the entity, Emilio Fernández and the Mayor of San Miguel de Salinas, Angel Sáez to know in first person the process of implementation of the Equality Agency in the Commonwealth. The joint body has been integrated into the Valencian Network of Equality Agents with the support of the Department of Equality and Inclusive Policies, which has granted an aid of 33,400 euros for the start-up of this Agency, specifically, for the hiring of a Equality Agent.

This year, this agency has been granted, for the first time, to four associations of the Valencia Community, among which is the La Vega Mancomunidad, the Commonwealth of the Ribera Alta, the Commonwealth of Safor and the Commonwealth of L’Alcoia and the Comtat. The purpose of the equality agencies is to promote and integrate equality in municipal policies and to provide specialized advice to women and among their functions will be to incorporate the gender perspective in municipal policies, boost the network, inform and advise women, in terms of guidance and social and labor counseling, in promoting women’s entrepreneurship, in supporting associations, in the prevention and detection of gender-based violence, in informing and advising companies for the implementation of equality plans and preparation of reports for obtaining the visa and the “Fent Empresa” seal, in the management and implementation of joint and municipal equality plans, in the realization of awareness campaigns on equal opportunities and other types of informative and informative actions from the gender perspective.

María Such, wanted to highlight “this is a commitment to bring and promote policies of equality and promotion of women to the local environment, which is the closest to citizens and for this, the mancomunidades play an essential role, so that These policies reach the smallest municipalities. In this pilot experience that is taking with the four mancomunidades, we wanted to count on the Mancomunidad la Vega for the good references that we have for its good functioning and for its work in equality “. Emilio Fernandez, President of the Commonwealth has indicated that “for us the granting of this Agency is a recognition of the intensive work that the Commonwealth has been doing to promote equality between men and women and incorporate the gender perspective to all actions that we carry out and in the functioning of the commonwealth. The Equality Agency is an opportunity to improve services to our citizens, companies and entities and will be an indispensable aid to move forward so that our community is more just and equitable every day ”