Redován and MeteOrihuela sign an agreement that will allow the municipality to have official meteorological data

The City Council of Redován, represented by the mayor, Emilio Fernández, and the person responsible for the MeteOrihuela project, Pedro José Gómez Cascales, today signed a collaboration agreement in the Consistorio redovanense that will allow the municipality to have official meteorological data through the installed observatory , now just a year ago, at the Sacred Hearts School. The rubric has had as a witness the councilor of Citizen Participation and Transparency, Adrián Ballester, who explained that residents can consult “for a few days on the City Council website the updated weather forecast every day, as well as the a whole week “thanks to the data provided by MeteOrihuela.

The mayor, Emilio Fernandez, has detailed what the agreement consists of, “since the City Council is committed to having the necessary budget for the maintenance of the meteorological observatory that we have in the school, while we will have the reports that Pedro José Gómez will perform when there are episodes of adverse weather or the City Council is interested in dealing with holiday dates, for example, because they are moments in which we all want to know in advance what time it is going to do. ” Fernández was pleased to launch a collaboration “that we have no doubt will be good for Redován, while we will help spread a project that knows all the Vega Baja, started a few years ago by a young from our area, in this case an Oriolan “.

Convenio Meteorihuela

For his part, Pedro José Gómez recalled how a year ago a weather station was installed at Sagrados Corazones School, from which temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and wind speed data are collected, “although we have achieved that the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) will also install an official rain gauge there so that the rain data collected can be official throughout Spain. ” Gomez has pointed out that his work in this last year has not been there, but also a pedagogical work has been done with the students of the school and has advanced that “I’m sure it will work, because especially when there are parties or episodes of heavy rains, many people from Redován contact MeteOrihuela to solve their doubts”.

Redován resumes official rainfall record

The author of the MeteOrihuela Project, Pedro José Gómez Cascales, has installed an official Hellmann rain gauge at CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován. This completes the installation of a complete meteorological observatory in the municipality, since last March it installed a quality meteorological station, in order to reliably measure variables such as temperature, humidity, speed and direction of the wind , Dewpoint and precipitation.
Pedro José Gómez explains that although the State Meteorological Agency does not homologate this meteorological station or others of the market, since it owns its own equipment and is not commercialized, if it certifies the precipitation measures with the measuring instrument. Looking back, it is verified that only records of rain were recorded in Redován from 1972 to 1979, there are many gaps in the way, resulting in the lack of continuity of the data. Now MeteOrihuela wants to return to resume this activity, in a city where it has many followers.
In addition, this gadget is added to the teaching and learning tasks aimed at the students of the school, where they can check how the rain is measured correctly. All this has been possible thanks to the collaboration of the director of the center: Francisco Manzanares; His head of studies Amparo Puertas; His concierge Antonio Albertus; And professors like Adolfo Arronis.
All of MeteOrihuela’s activity can be followed on the MeteOrihuela website (, as well as on Facebook (, Twitter ( and the Instagram (