Redován begins a month of March full of activities in commemoration of International Women’s Day

  • Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco has been elected Woman Worker of Redován 2020 and will be named in the institutional act held on March 7th
  • More than a dozen activities aimed at claiming the figure of women in the municipality and the promotion of equality between men and women

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, together with the Councilor for Social Welfare, Women and Equality, Marisol Ibáñez, have carried out this morning the presentation of activities organized by this area to commemorate March 8, International Women’s Day. “We have prepared a month full of activities aimed at promoting the union of women in the municipality, but which are also aimed at raising awareness among all Redovans towards the achievement of equality, much needed in society,” said the councilor.

These workshops, meetings, theatrical performances, trips and activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Alicante, the Social Services and the Equality Agency of the Commonwealth of La Vega, as well as the Women’s Association of Redován and the Provincial Rural Association of Women and Disabled Women (ARACELIA).

The mayor has invited the entire population, and especially the women of Redován, to participate in these programmed activities so that, as she has said, “they can know each other and themselves, empower and claim the figure of women as a collective.”

A March full of activities

The program of activities will begin on Tuesday, February 25 with the workshop in school hours ‘Educating in values’ for the students of CEIP Sagrados Corazones de Redován. In the same way, “the Judo Club of Redován, to whom we appreciate their involvement,” explained the councilor, “will be in charge of giving a workshop for women’s self-defense, which will begin on Tuesday, day 3 in the social center of the 3rd age and will be developed throughout the month of March ”.

On Thursday 5, also in the social center, the Sorority workshop ‘Between women’ will take place from 8:00 pm, while on Friday 6 the ‘Women’s dinner’ will take place in the Thámesis rooms, with a price stipulated of 25 euros. “Those interested can sign up by contacting the Women’s Association of Redován or the Aracelia association,” said Ibáñez.

The most emotional moment will take place in the institutional act in recognition of the Working Woman of Redován, who this year has fallen to the person of Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco. The mayor stressed that “it is an appointment that highlights the dedication and work that women of Redován do every day in all areas of life, and to which from this City Council we want to give all the importance it deserves ” The appointment of Mª Teresa Ballester Pacheco will be made official by the first mayor on Saturday, March 7 from 6:00 p.m. in the Plenary Hall of the City Council.

On Tuesday, the 10th, at 10:00 a.m., the CEIP Sagrados Corazones schoolchildren will be able to enjoy the play for Equality ‘I go with me’, while on Thursday the 12th there will be a laughter therapy workshop in the social center of the 3rd age, starting at 8:00 p.m. Also, on Saturday, March 14, “a trip to spend the day in the city of Murcia will take place, leaving from the Plaza de la Paz in Redován at 10:00 am, and to which any woman interested in the City Hall itself ”, explained Ibáñez. You can also request information for this excursion on the phones 652 100 615 and 644 229 937.

The women of Redován may also attend a women’s empowerment workshop on Monday, September 16, at the Social Services headquarters of the municipality, starting at 6:30 p.m. On Wednesday 18 there will be occasion to enjoy a session of Latin salsa and bachata dances in the social center of the 3rd age at 20:00 hours, where at the same time and the same place, but on Thursday, March 26, you will have place a workshop on female sexuality by Adisex, the service of attention to diversity and sexuality of the Commonwealth of La Vega.

A trip to Valencia scheduled for Sunday 29 coordinated by the Women’s Association of Redován, with scheduled departure from Miguel Hernández square at 7:00 am heading to the capital of Turia, and the activity ‘Human libraries’ on Monday, the 30th , addressed to IES student Jaime de Sant Àngel during school hours, will put an end to this full month full of commemorative activities.

Redován also holds several workshops throughout the year, such as ‘Dona Salud’, coordinated by the Aracelia association. In this way, the practice of sports such as Zumba (Monday and Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.) and Pilates (Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.) is also encouraged, also in the San Carlos neighborhood on Mondays and Wednesday at 9:30 p.m.)

The City Council of Redován dedicates the month of March to celebrate Women’s Day with numerous activities

The Councilor for Social Welfare, Women and the Elderly, Nely Ruiz, has announced the activities organized by the City Council of Redován and the La Vega Mancomunidad on the occasion of the commemoration of March 8, International Women’s Day, under the title ‘Juntas Redován’. Throughout the month of March “the women of our locality will be able to enjoy different workshops and activities oriented to get to know each other and to empower themselves, as well as to highlight the importance of women in our municipality,” the mayor explained.

It’s about trips, support groups, workshops and theatrical performances “that aim to unite the women of Redován and raise awareness about the equality between men and women so necessary in our society,” said Nely Ruiz.

The activities will be carried out in collaboration with the Valencian Network of Agents of Equality, the Provincial Council of Alicante and the Social Services and the Equality Agency of the Mancomunidad de la Vega, as well as with the Association of Women of Redován, the Rural Provincial Association of Women and Women with Disabilities ARACELIA and the office of Attention to Migrant Persons PANGEA.

The councilor has invited all the people of the region, and especially the local women, to participate in these activities, expressing their satisfaction at “such a varied program and with the involvement of so many collectives”.

Redován also hosts activities dedicated to the promotion of Equality throughout the year, such as the meeting group of “empowered” young women, aimed at girls aged between 15 and 30, or the “Dona Salud” workshops at the Social Center of the Third Age of Zumba (Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 pm and 9:00 pm) and Pilates (Monday and Wednesday at 8:30 pm).

Activities in March to claim the figure of women

The program began last Friday with the practice of ‘watsu’, a relaxation technique that will be taught at the municipal swimming pool every Friday of the month starting at 8.30pm. They will be able to carry out this activity for free. Yesterday took place in the Plenary Hall of City Hall the institutional act of recognition of Working Women, which this year has fallen to Margarita Monera Martínez.

The activities will continue next Thursday, March 7 with the completion throughout the day of different educational workshops for primary school children in the Sacred Hearts CEIP, and the development of support groups and emotional well-being by a psychologist of the Commonwealth The Vega. It will be from 20.00 on the first floor of the Social Center of the 3rd Age.

On Friday March 8, Women’s Day, will be held in the social center Ricardo Ruiz Poveda the show for schoolchildren “I want to be astronaut”, as well as the play “Feminine”, from 11.00 in the plaza Miguel Hernández and in charge of Maracaibo Teatro. “It is a song about the role of women in the world, talking about their role in society and covering issues such as patriarchy, sexism or the wage gap,” said Nely Ruiz. A dinner for women in the D’Manuel restaurant at 9:00 pm will end the commemoration of this day.

The activities will continue on the following Wednesday, March 13, with the workshop “Quiero-T” of Pangea, where women attendees can work on their self-awareness and self-esteem, and which will take place at 9.15 in the Municipal Library. Also, starting at 3:30 pm in the Social Center for the Third Age, the exhibition ‘Sewing workshop’ will be inaugurated.

On Saturday, March 16, the trip to Cartagena will be organized for women’s groups organized by the Department of Social Welfare, while on Sunday the 17th the theater will arrive at the Ricardo Ruiz Poveda social center starting at 7:00 pm and from the hand of the Association Women x Women, the representation “Women of the Generation of 26, Lyceum Club Femenino”.

The activities will reach its final stretch with a trip to the Albacete town of Alcalá del Júcar on March 24 (initiative in charge of the Association of Women of Redován), concluding on Wednesday 27 with a laughter therapy workshop in the Social Center, a from 8:00 p.m.