The City Council of Redován will improve the accessibility of the Center for the Third Age with the elimination of architectural barriers

  • The works valued at 10,317 euros will be will pay with a subsidy of 6,500 granted by the Generalitat Valenciana

Improve the accessibility of spaces public has been one of the concerns of the Redován City Council during the last years. In this way, architectural barriers have been eliminated in different places and now it’s the turn of the Center for the Third Age. “City Hall will undertake a work that will end the architectural barriers in the entrance to this building to which older people go daily and, in many cases, with reduced mobility. A project that will be covered by the grant granted by the Generalitat Valenciana just a few days ago, with an amount 6,500.31 euros, “said Councilor for Social Services, Nely Ruiz, which is 63% of the total cost. The rest of the budget, valued by technicians in 10,317 euros, will be assumed by the Consistory.

Redován is one of the 119 municipalities of the Valencian Community that have obtained this aid destined to localities of less than 50,000 inhabitants and its mayor, Emilio Fernández, has assured that it is “An improvement in accessibility that was necessary and whose execution we are going to Advance thanks to this help. “

Currently, access to the Center of the Third Age does not have a pedestrian ford on the sidewalk or a parking reservation for people with reduced mobility, its ramp has an excessive slope, greater of 10% and only has handrails on one side, while the steps of access do not have double height railing. In addition, the door is manual folding sheet, which forces the user to open it at the risk of possible falls, “a series of barriers that reduce the level of accessibility to some users who are characterized by reduced mobility due to their age advanced, “said Ruiz.

In this way, the works will consist of demolish and reconstruct the sidewalk to equip it with pedestrian access ford and signpost horizontally and vertically the parking reservation for people with reduced mobility. Likewise, the access ramp will be rebuilt and extended current so that the slope does not exceed the maximum of 10% and will be installed pavement tactile signaler. Both the ramp and the stepped access to center will be equipped with double handrails with steel protection railing stainless steel and, finally, the access door to the center will be replaced, that the existing one will be replaced by a sliding glass automatic door of two mobile leaves with metallic carpentry and including connection to the network electrical.

The Generalitat approves the extension of the IES Jaime de Sant-Angel de Redován with a classroom for six classes

The Generalitat Valenciana has approved the extension of the IES Jaime de Sant Ángel de Redován within the framework of the Edificant Plan. A process already underway that will put an end to eleven years of claims by the municipality of Redova. The mayor, Emilio Fernandez, explained that he is waiting for the Ministry of Education to send the project adapted to the new technical standards, “since the one we had was the year 2007 and needs that adaptation.” The first mayor hopes that this document arrives in a short period of time so that it can be presented at the Ampa Council of the school and then to the Plenary, “if possible to the month of July, so that we can approve the delegation of powers and thus begin to execute the work as soon as possible. ”

The IES Jaime de Sant Ángel needs for years a new classroom, six classes that will be built now and that will be allocated to both ESO and Bachillerato students. The cost of the work is estimated at around 1.2 million euros and hopes to end the overcrowding “living for years, because we have an overflowed institute”. The mayor says that the students occupy all the available spaces, “they are teaching in the laboratory, in the assembly hall, in the departments, and if we continue like this they would have to take two classes to the patio”.

Fernandez has indicated that at the beginning of this corporate mandate the situation was shown to the regional secretary of Education, and that during the last years there have been many visits to the Territorial Directorate of Education. A couple of weeks ago the mayor went to Elche during a visit by the conseller Vicente Marzá to expose the situation and “he told me that in fifteen days he would have news, and fortunately that was the case”.

Thus, the City hopes to be able to approve the delegation of powers in July, since as marked by the Plan Edificant, to speed up the construction are the municipalities that manage the funds provided by the Government. From there the works will be launched with the intention that they can be ready “if possible, in less than a year,” Fernandez concluded.