Redován supports the #StopAhogados campaign to reduce beach and pool deaths
Redován, 18/5/2017. The Real Federación Española de Salvamento y Socorrismo has requested the support of the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (FEMP) In its campaign of prevention of accidents in aquatic facilities and natural aquatic spaces. It is an initiative aimed at reducing the number of drowning deaths that occur each year in Spain and that in 2017 already exceeds one hundred people.
To this end, the Royal Federation, together with the European Federation and the World Federation for Rescue and Rescue, has undertaken the #StopAhogados campaign, which, as it could not be otherwise, is joined by Redován City Council, in order to mitigate As far as possible drowning deaths. We do not have a beach, but we have it very close, and the public and private swimming pools in our area are practically already in use, so we ask for a lot of precaution and follow these simple tips so that we have a summer without fuss.