Redován once again complains to the Orihuela Health Department about the lack of medical staff in his office

  • The Consistory transmits the complaints it receives from users due to the saturation of the service to the heads of the Conselleria

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has once again expressed her discontent with the Orihuela Health Department over the conditions in which the health service is being offered in the local doctor’s office. As the first mayor explained, “the two paediatricians and four doctors that the centre should have according to its characteristics and the population it serves have been reduced to only two doctors, also reducing the number of nursing staff”.

Ruiz has indicated that this deficit is due to the fact that “in the face of requests for holidays or sick leave, the Orihuela Health Department and the Regional Ministry of Health do not replace the health personnel as there are no doctors available in the area’s job centres”, which is why there has been an increase in the number of patients and the consequent saturation of the service. “This translates into insufficient user care, a situation which has already been occurring in our centre and which we have been denouncing for several months now”, insisted the Mayoress, who is in permanent contact with those responsible for the Orihuela Health Department, with whom she maintains a collaborative relationship.

For this reason, and since September, the Redován Town Hall has contacted on several occasions the Health bodies responsible for managing the centre, such as the Director of Primary Care, Rosario Sansano; the manager of the Orihuela Health Department, Miguel Fayos, or the Councillor for Health, Ana Barceló. With regard to the Councillor, the Mayoress has sent several letters to the Health Minister, but has not received a reply. “Our doctors are still overcrowded, they do not have time to make all the telephone enquiries due to the accumulation of patients, and the users of the service do not stop complaining to us as they find a very deficient service”, said the first mayor.

In addition, “it should be remembered that this situation is occurring during a pandemic and, at present, during an upsurge in the cases of Covid-19”, said Ruiz, “which unfortunately does not allow for good management of the situation and is a factor that can have a great influence on the increase in cases”. The Town Hall of Redován has been informed of several neighbours who have been in contact with confirmed positive cases, “who already have symptoms that are compatible with the virus, and who have been waiting for five days to be contacted from the clinic to be able to take the PCR test”, explained the mayor. Likewise, the mayor indicated that her government team “is not going to give up on this issue, demanding what is fair and what we are entitled to as a population, always in order to preserve the health of all the citizens of Redován”.

Renovation works on Redován Medical Centre are completed with an increase in the number of consultations

  • The improvements include the purchase of new furniture consisting of four electric stretchers, two swivel chairs and a surgical cabinet

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, with the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, presented this morning the reform works done on the Redován medical centre, located on the ground and first floors of the ‘Ricardo Ruiz Poveda’ social and cultural centre. “This is an action that was very necessary for this office, located in a building that is more than 20 years old, and in which until now only small maintenance work had been carried out”, said Ruiz.

The work has been carried out thanks to a subsidy of 100.000 euros from the Regional Ministry of Health, as part of the PIAC plan for architectural intervention in consulting rooms, which, as the Councillor of Health explained, “has allowed the number of consultations to be increased from seven to eight”, as well as “the repainting of the walls on the two floors; the installation of a new, more hygienic and durable stoneware base in the common areas and waiting rooms; and the replacement of the air conditioning machines, which were very old and frequently damaged”. According to Ibáñez, this last improvement “will have an impact on saving repair costs and will improve temperature control in the centre, thanks to the new system for fitting out independent air-conditioning zones”.

These works have also included the repair of the exterior pillars, “which were very deteriorated, and which could even affect the structural stability of part of the building”, explained Ibáñez, as well as carrying out “improvements to the façade, where the existing plinth, which is already very damaged, has been replaced with marble”. Likewise, the actions in the centre have included the purchase of four electric medical stretchers, two swivel chairs, a surgical unit and a medical stool as improvements made by the company awarded the contract, providing the facilities with new medical furniture that will make it easier for the doctors to carry out their daily activities and provide better care for their patients.

For her part, the Mayor, Nely Ruiz, expressed her satisfaction with all the improvements made to the office, “changes that were essential to be able to carry out Primary Care in good conditions”. These conditions, together with the conditioning of the building, “must be combined with adequate staffing, as we have also been demanding from the Regional Ministry for some time now”, explained the Mayoress. Ruiz pointed out that Redován is also awaiting the construction project for a new Health Centre, which “we hope will be completed as soon as possible, to the delight of all Redován residents”.

Redován demands from the Conselleria de Sanidad improvements for primary care in the medical office of the municipality

  • The Consistory counts multiple complaints about the operation of the centre, with long queues and poor telephone service

The Mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, and the Councillor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, have once again asked the Valencian Regional Government’s Department of Health for the necessary improvements in Primary Care in the municipality’s medical office. The first mayor said that, “we are aware that the workers in the office are following the instructions of the Ministry, but since the beginning of the pandemic is offering poor service to citizens, with almost no face care, calls that are not attended in most cases, and long queues at the door that can reach two hours waiting very easily. Nely Ruiz has added that to all this is added “the difficulty presented by some patients to obtain their prescriptions for chronic treatments, as well as the shortage of doctors and health personnel in the centre, since “the Generalitat does not send a replacement in the event of staff leave or holidays”. So much so that the Town Hall has already sent many complaints to the Department of Health that have been received both in writing and by telephone to the Town Hall itself, which “reflect a situation for the people of Redoubt that borders on the unsustainable for a long time now”, said Ruiz.

To solve these problems, the Mayor and the Councillor have held several meetings with the Health Coordinators of the Health Department of Orihuela, on which the Redován doctor’s office depends. Amongst these meetings, it is worth mentioning the meeting with the Directors of Primary Health Care and Nursing of the Orihuela Health Department, “in which we requested the installation of an additional telephone line and a new computer, as well as the provision of more administrative staff to improve the attention given to our neighbours”, explained the councillor for Health. Marisol Ibáñez specified that “although we have been designated to send a caretaker to the centre, it can have little effect on the care received if we do not have the appropriate means to be able to attend to the calls or make the appointments”. In the same way, Ruiz and Ibáñez have also met with the centre’s own doctors and are in permanent contact with the Public Health Department of Orihuela and Torrevieja, directed by José Cano.

In addition, a motion will be presented to the plenary session of Redován Town Council this coming Thursday, to urge the regional government to assume its responsibilities in health matters and to provide the Redován doctor’s office with material and personal resources. In this regard, the mayor said that “it is clear that the care being given to citizens is very deficient and does not correspond to the needs that would be expected of a health institution in the situation of pandemic in which we are due to the Covid-19”, so “it is necessary that the Valencian government assumes its responsibilities and ensures a health service and in decent conditions for our citizens,” he concluded.

Redován approves in the Governing Board the contracting file for the reform of the medical office

  • The actions planned in the health center include repairs to the façade, repainting of interior walls and the installation of a new air conditioning system

The Redován City Council, which is headed by Mayor Nely Ruiz, today approved in the Local Government Board the contracting file that involves the bidding process for the reform of the municipal auxiliary medical office, located on the ground and first floors of the sociocultural center municipal Ricardo Ruiz Poveda. “It is a first step to carry out these much-needed repairs, which will allow better healthcare for all of Redován’s neighbors,” said the mayor.

This contracting file will have a maximum budget of 100,000 euros, corresponding to the grant awarded by the Generalitat Valenciana, framed within the PIAC plan for Architectural Intervention in Clinics. “The project includes the repair of the exterior facade, very deteriorated, with the elimination of the two exterior pillars, as well as the elimination and replacement of the gresite plinth of the walls,” explained José Najar, Councilor for Urban Planning.

In the same way, the interior walls will be repainted and a stoneware plinth will be installed in passage areas and waiting rooms. The reform also includes the installation of a new air conditioning system, “which will make access to the facilities more bearable during the hot months,” added Najar.

It is foreseen that the works to refurbish the clinic will be carried out in a maximum period of six months, a period during which “health care for citizens will not be interrupted,” explained the Councilor for Health, Marisol. Martínez, who added that “it is essential for this municipal government team, and above all in the current context of the health crisis in which we find ourselves, to maintain this essential and necessary service”.

The mayor of Redován has finally stressed the importance of having a quality health service in the municipality and facilities in optimal conditions, “either carrying out this much-needed reform of the office, but also not neglecting something so important as is the pending project of the health center for Redován ”, she added.

The City Council of Redován meets with the Ministry of Health to advance the construction of the municipality’s health center

The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, has come this morning to Valencia, to the Ministry of Health, to hold a meeting with Carmelina Pla, general director of Economic Regime and Infrastructure. This meeting has been aimed at advancing the procedures of urban adaptation of the plot that will house the new medical center of the municipality, and that will be located in the Plaza of the Valencian Community of Redován.

The mayor has been accompanied by the Councilor for Health, Marisol Ibáñez, the Councilor for Urban Planning, José Nájar, and the Councilor for Finance and first Deputy Mayor of the municipality, Adrián Ballester.

Nely Ruiz has expressed his “good feelings” after the meeting, and has stated that the Ministry “has been very predisposed to continue the construction of this medical center” and thanked “the support shown to make this need a reality in the municipality that will allow quality health care for the neighbors of Redován ”.