The association ‘El árbol de los sueños’ (The tree of dreams) for people with functional disabilities starts up in Redován

  • The group chose the Redován Town Hall to present its charity calendar, the proceeds of which will go towards the purchase of therapeutic material

The association for people with functional diversity ‘El árbol de los sueños’ (The tree of dreams) presented its activity today in the plenary hall of Redován Town Hall. The Consistory has given its facilities to this organization born in the municipality that aims to provide support and facilitate access to therapies for people with disabilities. At the same time, its members have taken the opportunity to present their solidarity calendar and to inform about all the initiatives they are developing in the municipality.

The president of the association, María Isabel Cartagena, appeared alongside María del Pilar Heredia, secretary, and Javier Andreo, treasurer. “We wanted to make ‘El árbol de los sueños’ officially known and for people to know what we do,” explained Cartagena. For this reason, he thanked “the City Council, its mayoress, Nely Ruiz, and the Department of Social Welfare led by Marisol Ibáñez, for their collaboration and for giving us the opportunity to do so from this press room,” he added.

“The entire proceeds from our activities are destined to defray the costs of materials for our children’s therapies, as we have not yet been able to access any subsidies,” said the president. The association has been active in the municipality for four months, and has a space in the Centro Social de la Tercera Edad de Redován. The solidarity calendar features, by way of presentation, “all those who make up the association, including some of our children and also the therapists and staff who carry out the therapies,” said María del Pilar Heredia. The Redován Local Police officers were also involved, “and we would like to thank them immensely for their collaboration, as our children had some unforgettable moments while the photographs were being taken,” she said. The calendar will cost 5 euros, and those who wish to purchase it can find it in the offices of the association, in the Town Hall, and in various collaborating businesses in the municipality.

In addition to the calendar, ‘El árbol de los sueños’ has various initiatives underway to raise funds, such as charity raffles, the sale of cloth sanitary masks “approved and available in various sizes, with a price of 5 euros,” said its treasurer, Javier Andreo. There has also been a distribution of solidarity piggy banks in the shops of the municipality “so that anyone who can lend a hand, can do so in an easier and closer way, while carrying out their daily shopping,” added Andreo. In the same way, and on the occasion of Father’s Day, this Friday will be held a draw for a bathroom furniture, “for which you can request ballots in exchange for a donation of 2 euros both in the association and in the hairdresser Navoder or Carpentry Illán Ortega de Redován”.

For her part, the mayoress of the municipality, Nely Ruiz, congratulated the members of the association for the important work they carry out, “which is nothing more than fighting for these children to have all the opportunities available to them”. Ruiz added that “as the Town Hall, it is our job to help in any way we can with any initiative that benefits all the people of Redovan, as is the case with ‘El árbol de los sueños'”. The councillor hopes that this journey that has just begun will be prolonged and consolidated over the years “because all help is little for people who, due to functional diversity, need to make a greater effort than others in their learning and development processes, and with the work of associations such as ‘El árbol de los sueños’ they achieve this”.

Redován will have a more accessible senior center thanks to a grant from the Diputación

  • The project has a financing of almost 98,400 euros and will involve the reform and rehabilitation of the public center for the elderly in the municipality
Redován City Council will soon have a more accessible and renovated senior center, thanks to a grant of 98,391 euros from the Provincial Council of Alicante, and which aims to reform and rehabilitate several areas of this municipal facility. The financing received is framed within the calls for financially sustainable investments of the Diputación for the 2019 annuity, and will allow the Consistory to improve the accessibility of the building, which “due to its age, presents several deficits in its architectural finishes and facilities ”, Informed José Najar, Town Planning Councilor.

The main action will be focused on the integral reform of the toilets on the ground floor, as well as the first and second, “for its adaptation to the accessibility regulations, and facilitating the use of the facilities to residents with mobility reduced ”, explained the mayor of Social Welfare, Marisol Ibáñez. The works, which will be carried out during the next year, will include the replacement of the plumbing and sanitation, as well as the lighting and electrical installation, sanitary and accessories, and the tiling and false ceiling of the toilets.
In the same way, this subsidy will allow the realization of other types of improvements in the building such as the replacement of the exterior and aluminum carpentry of the lobby, and the glassware of the entrance door. The interior doors of passage to the toilets, kitchen and dependencies of the center will also be replaced, together with the lighting of the lobby, which will be replaced by LED bulbs. It will also proceed to eliminate the existing pavement at the entrance, the placement of a false ceiling and the interior painting of this area. The mayor of Redován, Nely Ruiz, thanked the Provincial for the granting of this subsidy, which will serve to complete those already made in this center and that facilitate access to users, such as the location of a ramp and the adequacy of the steel , the installation of a railing and the signaling of a parking space in the vicinity for users with reduced mobility, “actions with which this center can offer better services to its users and serve our elders as they deserve,” said the First mayor.

Redován hosts the summer multisport, a tennis stage and the socio-educational project ‘Vegavacaciones’

• The objective of these activities, which will take place during the month of July, is to promote sport and also social and recreational actions

Redován 6/13/2019. The City Council of Redován has organized for this summer numerous activities that aim to promote sports activities and also recreational and social actions. The mayor of Social Services, Nely Ruiz and the Councilor for Sports, Ramon Lopez, have been responsible for threshing the activities that will be carried out during the month of July, accompanied by the acting mayor, Emilio Fernandez.

On the one hand, children born between 2003 and 2015 will be able to enroll until June 21 at the Sports Summer School. An activity that mixes all kinds of sports such as football, basketball, handball, hiking, swimming pool, traditional games, etc., and that will take place the first fortnight from June 1 to 12 and the second fortnight from June 15 to 26. The full price is 60 euros for two fortnights and 40 euros for one of them. The inscriptions are made in the Town Hall, where discounts can also be consulted, and for more information, interested parties can call 618014504 or contact the Sports Department. The mayor of the area, Ramón López, has assured that “it is a highly demanded activity, which we improve year by year, and the result is always very satisfactory for those who participate”.

Also, in terms of sports, a ‘Tennis Stage’ will also be held at the ‘Los Pasos’ sports center from July 1 to 26. It will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and children from 4 to 18 years old can participate. To make the registrations, you must request the payment card at the Town Hall. The price is 40 euros a fortnight and 60 euros a full month. In addition, those interested can call the Adri telephone numbers at 657428061, Jorge at 744482117 and from Javi at 618205295.

On the other hand, for the month of July there will be intensive swimming courses aimed at children between 3 and 14 years old, which will take place in the heated swimming pool. The courses have a cost of 50 euros if done monthly or 30 euros if it is biweekly, and will run from 1 to 26 July in days from Monday to Friday. Those interested can call 618014504 or contact the Department of Sports.

Regarding Social Services, the mayor, Nely Ruiz, has presented the activity ‘Vegavaciones, socioeducativos spaces’. An activity that is carried out in Redován by the hand of Mancomunidad La Vega and that will take place from July 1 to August 2. With the slogan ‘The Guardians of the Mediterranean’, the activity is aimed at children from 3 to 10 years old, that is, from the first year of Infantile to the fourth year of Primary Education. Places are limited and the price is 50 euros. Registrations can be made until tomorrow, Friday, June 14, in Social Services, at City Hall or through the Mancomunidad website. “This is a socio-educational activity that this year will focus on the importance of caring for the environment and the environment, so that they will teach good Mediterranean customs such as gastronomy, ecosystem, health, sports, among others. aspects, “Ruiz assured.

For his part, the acting mayor, Emilio Fernández, has said goodbye to the media in what will be his last press conference as mayor. Fernandez has assured that “it has been a pleasure to work with each of the people who have surrounded me these eight years, both councilors and administration staff.” The first mayor explained that “I leave Redován much better than I did eight years ago and I am absolutely sure that in four it will be better, because a team is ready and capable”.

Finally, she has taken the opportunity to invite all residents of Redován this Saturday to the women’s soccer championship to be held at the Municipal Field Pascual Gil ‘Duana’ from four in the afternoon to four in the morning. “There are twelve teams of women’s soccer in the province that are going to meet in our town, and we have to demonstrate this commitment to the promotion of sport, in this case the sport king, football, which also play, and very well, the women as they are showing us and how they will do it on Saturday in our municipality, “concluded Fernández.

La Mancomunidad La Vega crea ‘El club de los hombres que saben querer’ dentro de las acciones del 25N

Esta mañana, ha sido presentada por el Presidente de la Mancomunidad la Vega y alcalde de Redován, Emilio Fernández, las acciones que la Mancomunidad la Vega ha programado con motivo del 25N, Día de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres. Las acciones de este año se centran en la campaña “El club de los hombres que saben querer”. Esta campaña es una invitación a los hombres a adoptar nuevas maneras de relacionarse con el otro género, de forma respetuosa, madura e igualitaria en el trato y en las relaciones. Hablamos del ejercicio de una nueva masculinidad, de un cambio de rol masculino libre de estereotipos y sin el corsé del machismo, de un modelo de relación con el otro género basado en el respeto, la confianza, el apoyo y la igualdad.

Es por lo tanto, una invitación a todos los hombres para que se comprometan y adopten una posición firme y activa en la lucha contra la violencia hacia las mujeres, una lucha que también es cosa de los hombres. En el marco de este programa, se ha elaborado una campaña de sensibilización, bajo el lema Unete al Club de los Hombres que Saben Querer que se refuerza con Tips asociadas a la campaña para redes sociales. Se editará un video protagonizado por hombres que nos hablan como es el hombre que sabe querer. Esta acción de participación se complementa con una minisite, que se actualizará para ser un espacio compartido que incluya recursos y contenidos sobre nuevas masculinidades y se pueda registrar el compromiso delos hombres en la lucha contra la violencia de género

Otra de las realidades a las que se quiere dar respuesta, es a la alta incidencia de violencia detectada en los jóvenes, sobretodo de la violencia de control (el 38 % de chicas con pareja entre 16 y 24 años reconocen haberla sufrido), violencia control que se ha visto favorecida y agravada por las redes sociales Para ello se van a realizar dos talleres educativos para secundaria. El taller “El hombre que sabe querer” para alumnos de 4º ESO y 1º Bat de los IES de San Miguel y de Redován y el taller “No me toques el Whassap” para los alumnos de 2º dela ESO.

Esta propuesta se completa con una jornada de arte urbano contra la violencia de género en la que 3 artistas del graffitti van a realizar en vivo su interpretación  del lema de la campaña. Durante la elaboración de los murales se contará con una cantante rapera que aportará su versión a través de canciones inéditas en clave feminista. Será el día 25 de noviembre en la plaza del Ayuntamiento de Redován y el 1 de diciembre en el paseo de San Miguel de Salinas. La complejidad de un fenómeno como violencia de género ha de abordarse con una visión integral y transversal, desde esa perspectiva se han organizado las Jornadas Violencia de Género, Una Mirada Integral que se celebrarán el 30 de noviembre en el Centro Social y Cultural Ricardo Ruiz Poveda de Redován en el que se van a exponer experiencias de abordaje e intervención desde diferentes enfoques y con expertos del ámbito educativo, judicial, asistencial y mediático. La inscripción es gratuita y la pueden realizar a través de la web de la mancomunidad

Asimismo se van a realizar acciones complementarias como la representación de la obra de teatro Nora y la Casa de Muñecas de Ibsen, posiblemente la primera obra feminista de la historia (se realiza en los cuatro municipios con el apoyo de la Diputación de Alicante) y la experiencia del uso de animales en las terapias de atención a mujeres del proyecto ESCAN presentado por Afammer  el jueves 22 de noviembre en Redován. Estas acciones organizadas por la Agencia de Igualdad de la Mancomunidad se complementan con acciones municipales como la adhesión al Manifiesto contra la violencia de género de la FVMP que será aprobado en los plenos municipales y  la colocación de pancartas en los Ayuntamientos con motivo del 25 de noviembre. Para Emilio Fernández, Presidente de la Mancomunidad, “esta programación es una buena muestra del intenso trabajo de la Mancomunidad en la lucha contra la violencia de género, un trabajo que va más allá del 25N y que se lleva a cabo durante todo el año con otras iniciativas como la campaña contra el acoso callejero #notienesmipermiso. Luchar para la eliminación de la violencia contra las mujeres, apoyar a las mujeres victimas de esta lacra y a sus familia , es un compromiso y un deber que nos toca como administración y en la que vamos a seguir dedicando todos los esfuerzos y recursos que estén en nuestras manos”.

Las acciones del proyecto del Club de los Hombres que Saben Querer han sido financiadas con ayuda de la Obra Social la Caixa. Las Jornadas de Violencia de Género, una mirada integral han contado con el apoyo de la Caja Rural Central y de Iovis Abogados.

Toda la info la pueden encontrar en la web de la mancomunidad y en sus redes sociales.